The Auto-Clicker program also helps when you’d like to multitask while playing games, and instead of having to continuously click, you can actually complete a separate task on the side. When the clicks are automated, it leaves players the rest of the hands to navigate through games, spot opponents, do other maneuvers, while continuously performing the clicking function, that serves a specific purpose in the gameplay. One can automate single, double, or triple clicks too, according to what the game requires.

The best thing about Auto-Clicker is that it is a great accompaniment to games, and any game that requires users to click multiple times in quick succession.

What are the plus points of Auto-Clicker? A fixed location and settings can be saved for the next time you need to use the program. Even while the application is in the background, the hotkeys can continue to work. One can choose which mouse button will click for what action, and also the number of times it needs to click. For instance, you can choose whether the cursor has to follow you in the game or click at a fixed spot. Using Auto-Clicker one can perform a number of tasks. The software is free to use and can be customized, unlike some other programs like Autokey, Hammerspoon, Automator, xdotool, Mouse Recorder Premium, Clickerman, GS Auto-Clicker to name a few. Each time the clicker is supposed to click, Auto-Clicker can be programmed to click as many times as needed. So, gamers can set the clicker while playing their games, for instance, in a combat game. The program can work with any other software working at the same time, and be customized to simulate clicks in a certain way, at a specific speed. For gamers needing to click a number of times at a really fast speed, this is ideal. Auto-Clicker is used to generate a series of really fast clicks, automatedly.